Wednesday, October 25, 2017

News Clippings October 25, 2017


Toxic water came inches away from flowing into a Pascagoula bayou over the weekend
Sun Herald

It was one massive water drop Sunday — on a mountain of acidic gypsum.
The storm that tore roofs off a neighboring industry dumped more than 108 million gallons of water on the waste gypsum stacks at Mississippi Phosphates that the EPA is managing in east Pascagoula and scrambled the staff for emergency measures that kept them inches from overflow.

LIST: Locations for DEA drug take back

SOUTH MISSISSIPPI (WLOX) -The DEA will work with local law enforcement departments Saturday to keep unwanted prescription drugs off the streets.

Biloxi joins lawsuit against Secretary of State over waterfront land

BILOXI, MS (WLOX) -The City of Biloxi finds itself in another dispute with Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann over whether waterfront land should be considered state-owned.


There’s a new place for electric cars to charge up in Gulfport.

Oil Spill

How is Mississippi spending oil spill money? Learn about some of the projects at summit
Sun Herald

The public is invited to learn about restoration projects in Mississippi at the second annual Mississippi Restoration Summit on Nov. 14.

Construction on schedule for WCU School of Pharmacy

HARRISON COUNTY, MS (WLOX) -The pharmacy school at the William Carey University’s Tradition Campus will be the first of its kind for South Mississippi.


Trump administration to auction off a vast swath of the Gulf of Mexico to oil companies
Washington Post

The Trump administration made history Tuesday in proposing that nearly 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico be made available for companies wanting to purchase federal oil and gas leases - the largest offering ever in the United States.

Alabama Power responds to Wilsonville coal ash concerns

Tensions rose at times during Monday's Wilsonville City Council meeting, as a group of Alabama Power representatives spoke with the council members and Wilsonville residents about the company's plans to cover the 269-acre coal ash pond at the nearby E.C. Gaston Electric Generating Plant.


EPA chemical review would exclude millions of tons of toxins

Spurred by the chemical industry, President Donald Trump's administration is retreating from a congressionally mandated review of some of the most dangerous chemicals in public use: millions of tons of asbestos, flame retardants and other toxins in homes, offices and industrial plants across the United States.

The Three Students Who Uncovered 'Dieselgate'
The diesel emissions scandal has already cost Volkswagen 25 billion euros, and no end is in sight. But how did it start? In a corrugated iron shack in the forests of West Virginia, discovered by a trio of university students.
Der Spiegel

Arvind, Hemanth and Marc actually only came to the United States to attend university. Arvind Thiruvengadam and Hemanth Kappanna are both from India, from Chennai and Bangalore, respectively, while Marc Besch is from Biel, Switzerland. They all ended up in West Virginia, not exactly the America you dream of when you come from Chennai or Bangalore. Probably not even when you come from Biel.

Interior proposes raising fees at popular national parks
The Hill

The Interior Department is considering increasing entry fees at more than a dozen of the country's most popular national parks as a way to raise new revenue for infrastructure improvements.