Wednesday, June 19, 2019

News Clippings June 19, 2019


Alert: Don't swim in or eat fish from these bodies of water in Brandon
Clarion Ledger

Until further notice, people need to avoid swimming, wading and fishing in certain bodies of water in Brandon, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality announced Tuesday.

Water contact advisory issued in Brandon
Residents advised to stay away from stream that flows through Windsong, Windchase

BRANDON, Miss. — A water contact advisory was issued Tuesday for a stream in Brandon.
The advisory was issued by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality for a section of an unnamed tributary of Richland Creek from where it crosses Highway 18 to where it crosses under Tara Road.

MDEQ issues Water Contact Advisory in the City of Brandon
The advisory is being issued due to a discharge of wastewater while repairing a main sewer line.

BRANDON, Miss. (WLBT) - The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) issued a water contact advisory Tuesday in the City of Brandon.

MDEQ no contact advisory: Richland Creek in Brandon
Environmental group says water is contaminated

BRANDON, Miss (WJTV) - State environmental quality experts say people in the Windsong and Windchase subdivision of Brandon need to stay out of Richland Creek which passes between them.

CMR: Mississippi’s shrimp season will open Thursday

BILOXI, Miss. (WLOX) - Mississippi’s shrimp season will open this Thursday, June 20 at 6am, despite samples showing smaller shrimp than typical for opening day. That’s the decision from Tuesday’s Commission on Marine Resources meeting.


AL Governor, AG monitoring EPA investigation into 3M’s illegal chemical release into Tennessee River

DECATUR, Ala. - Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey and Attorney General Steve Marshall tell WHNT News 19 they are monitoring the Environmental Protection Agency's investigation into an illegal chemical release into the Tennessee River. The EPA confirms it is investigating the chemical release.


EPA Moves to Overturn Obama Climate Rules for Power Plants

WASHINGTON—The Environmental Protection Agency is moving to overturn Obama-era climate rules for power plants, vastly limiting the agency’s ability to mandate tougher greenhouse-gas-emission rules that could force older coal- and gas-fired plants to close, according to a summary reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Trump EPA close to gutting Obama rule on coal power plants

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is close to completing one of its biggest rollbacks of environmental rules, replacing a landmark Obama-era effort that sought to wean the nation's electrical grid off coal-fired power plants and their climate-damaging pollution.

Supreme Court Backs Virginia Ban on Uranium Mining
Justices, in splintered ruling, affirm the power of states to regulate mining on private lands

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a Virginia law that prohibits uranium mining within the commonwealth’s borders, in a splintered ruling that affirmed the powers of the states to regulate mining on private lands within their territories.

Maine, Vermont pass plastic bag bans on same day
The Hill

Governors in Maine and Vermont on Monday signed bills into law that ban single-use plastic bags, making them the fourth and fifth states to pass such legislation.