Thursday, December 22, 2016

News Clippings 12/22/2016


Supervisors review, table regulation changes

The Oxford Eagle By Alyssa Schnugg



Alaska lawmakers mull legislation to block Obama drilling ban


Congressional Republicans and their oil industry allies are gearing up to fight President Obama’s new bans on oil drilling in parts of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.  Two Alaska lawmakers are exploring whether they should propose legislation to overturn Obama’s actions.

Spokesmen for Sen. Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young, both Alaska Republicans, said the lawmakers would consider proposing legislation to help President-elect Donald Trump overturn the bans if necessary.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment about Obama’s Tuesday decision. But on the campaign trail, he repeatedly made public lands and waters a central piece of his energy platform, vowing to open them up for more oil and natural gas development.

EPA looks to mitigate chemical plant disasters


A new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation aims to minimize the harm to local communities from disasters at chemical plants.

The regulation overhauls major sections of the EPA’s Risk Management Program for such plants, with new requirements that companies coordinate with local officials and first responders, and learn from past mistakes.



Robbie Wilbur

Communications Director

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality

Post Office Box 2261

Jackson, Mississippi 39225

601-961-5277 (office)

601-421-5699 (cell)