Monday, June 1, 2020

News Clippings June 1, 2020


Half-billion gallons of Jackson sewage overflowed into Pearl River, report shows
Clarion Ledger

A record rainfall the first quarter of 2020 overflowed the city's sewage system in Jackson and dumped nearly a half billion gallons of raw sewage into the Pearl River. 

May’s Community Hero: Abby Braman inspires others to maintain Pearl River water quality
Clarion Ledger

Her love of water and the outdoors began at a young age. Abby Braman said as a girl she spent summer days with her family sailing, swimming and exploring. Those experiences, combined with a passion for science, have led her to become the voice of Mississippi's Pearl River.

MDEQ lifts water contact advisory for Yazoo River near Yazoo City

YAZOO CITY, Miss. (WLBT) - The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Friday lifted a water contact advisory issued February 28 for a segment of the Yazoo River near Yazoo City.

MDEQ lifts water contact advisory for Yazoo River

YAZOO COUNTY, Miss. (WJTV) – The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) lifted a water contact advisory that was issued on February 28 for a segment of the Yazoo River near Yazoo City. 


BILOXI, Miss. – Officials with the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources announced Friday the openings and closings of recreational and commercial harvest for Gag, Greater Amberjack and Gray Triggerfish.

Wildlife commission eases deer feeding restrictions, changes CWD management zones
Clarion Ledger

The Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks voted in favor of significant changes within the chronic wasting disease management zones this month that will allow some hunters to resume supplemental feeding while others will be able to harvest deer in excess of the state bag limit.

State Government

Analysis: Budget writing complicated by pandemic revenue dip

Mississippi tax collections were robust for the first several months of the budget year that started last July 1. Then the coronavirus pandemic struck, businesses were hobbled by government shutdown orders and the economy started to sputter.


New research details how hurricane weakening is delayed by Mississippi River freshwater in Gulf

Hurricane researchers believe they have discovered another contributor to the intensity of some hurricanes as they travel through the Gulf of Mexico or Caribbean Sea: surface lenses of freshwater created by the Mississippi, Orinoco and Amazon rivers.


EPA to Change Some Clean Water Act Rules
Measure targets pipelines and other infrastructure; attempts to rein in states that have cited the law to block projects

WASHINGTON—The Environmental Protection Agency is setting new rules aimed at speeding up Clean Water Act permit approvals that are often a sticking point for pipelines and other major infrastructure projects.