Monday, August 17, 2020

News Clippings August 17, 2020


Road closure on 15th Street scheduled for August 17th to repair sewer cave in

Gulfport, Mississippi- The east and west bound lanes on 15th Street between 18th Avenue and 19th Avenue will be closed to thru traffic in order to repair a sewer cave-in.

No bows and arrows for these guys. They're shooting flying carp with shotguns in Mississippi.
Clarion Ledger

Silver carp are an invasive species of fish that is both an environmental concern in the U.S. and a nuisance to boaters who dodge the fish when they jump out of the water. Some Mississippi hunters, however, have turned a bad situation into what they say is a world-class sport — shooting the flying fish with shotguns.

2 workers die from injuries in Mississippi plant explosion

Two workers severely injured in an explosion at a Mississippi processing plant have died, authorities confirmed.

Starkville site studied for evidence of mass extinction 66 million years ago
Commercial Dispatch
In a trench behind an apartment complex off Highway 182 in west Starkville Thursday, a team of paleontologists were gathering handfuls of 66 million-year-old fossils.

State Government

Gov. Reeves extends statewide mask mandate, issues K-12 extracurricular limitations

JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – Governor Tate Reeves announced that he is extending the social distancing measures under the Safe Return order, including the statewide mask mandate, and issuing crowd-size limitations on K-12 extracurricular activities to stop the spread of COVID-19.

MS House ‘drew the line in the sand’ on DMR budget. Impasse stalls Coast projects.
Sun Herald

A host of tidelands and environmental projects are on hold and pay will run out Aug. 31 for 175 employees at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources because members of the House of Representatives question how the DMR and Gov. Tate Reeves plan to spend millions in federal funds, state Rep. John Read, R-Gautier says.

Department of Marine Resources budget on a shoestring

BILOXI, Miss. (WLOX) - The Department of Marine Resources (DMR) has been operating under a stopgap budget since July 1. That has led to numerous programs administered by DMR being affected.

Oil Spill

Nearly 2 square miles of new marshland to be created with $176 million BP spill restoration money

Almost 2 square miles of new marsh will be built in the upper Barataria Basin in Jefferson Parish using sediment dredged from the Mississippi River just over 5 miles away, officials with the state Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority announced this week.


Some great news: annual Gulf of Mexico ‘dead zone’ 3rd-smallest on record

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - In a year with a whole bunch going on across the country, many of us are trying to find some positive news. While that may be easier said than done, there is some phenomenal news coming from the Gulf of Mexico this summer!


Utilities Cash In on Green Energy Subsidy for Bigger Wind Farms

Utilities across the country are seizing a fast-expiring green energy subsidy to boost the efficiency of aging wind farms as they set ambitious goals to reduce their carbon emissions.
Xcel Energy Inc., XEL -0.77% a Minneapolis-based utility company serving customers in eight states in the West and Midwest, recently announced plans to invest as much as $1.4 billion to refurbish some of its older wind farms as it pushes to provide carbon-free electricity by 2050.

How the World’s Largest Garbage Dump Evolved Into a Green Oasis

A little less than two decades ago, the last steaming load of garbage arrived at Fresh Kills Landfill. A packed-high barge turned slowly out of the Arthur Kill — that long, dishwater-brown tidal strait that separates Staten Island from New Jersey — and then docked at the Sanitation Department’s pier, an event celebrated less as a matter of ecological stewardship at the time than a triumph of not-in-my-backyard politics.

EPA Moves To Reduce Runoff That Feeds Toxic Algae In Charles River

The Charles River has been hit by toxic algae blooms almost every summer in recent years. The blooms — which can be dangerous for people, pets and the river's ecosystem — are fed by hot sunny days and storm runoff containing nutrients, especially phosphorus.

EPA Reaches $56.6M Settlement For Groundwater Cleanup Throughout LA County

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Federal officials announced on Friday that more funds have been devoted to the further cleanup of contaminated groundwater throughout Los Angeles.

Press Releases

Governor Tate Reeves Extends Safe Return Order and Issues K-12 Extracurricular Limitations to
Continue Fight Against COVID-19
JACKSON — Today, Governor Tate Reeves announced that he is extending the social distancing measures under the Safe Return order, including the statewide mask mandate, and issuing crowd-size limitations on K-12 extracurricular activities in the state's ongoing fight to slow the spread of COVID-19. 

MDMR accepting public comments for CARES Act assistance to fisheries participants spending plan
August 14, 2020

BILOXI, Miss. – With the appropriation of $1,520,087 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to the state of Mississippi for fisheries participants meeting the threshold of economic revenue losses, the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) is working on a spending plan to distribute these funds. The agency is accepting public comments through August 26, 2020, which can be submitted at

From Land to Water to the Gulf: Three Short Films
Partnership for Gulf Coast Land Conservation

The Gulf of Mexico is continually affected by the decisions that landowners and communities make every day. The Gulf is fed by hundreds of rivers, streams, creeks, bayous. It is also influenced by thousands of roads, homes, businesses and storm water systems. We all have a role to play in making sure that the water entering the Gulf is clean, and that our waterways are functioning properly.