Tuesday, June 5, 2012

News Clippings 6/5/12

Oil Spill

Legislature approves plan to use oil spill fines for coastal restoration


BATON ROUGE -- Money Louisiana receives from fines resulting from the

Deepwater Horizon disaster will go directly into the state's Coastal

Protection and Restoration Fund under a bill that won final approval in the

last hours of the legislative session Monday.


New Gulf oil spill claims administrator's message: We are not BP. We are

here to help.

By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune

Patrick Juneau, the new court-appointed oil-spill claims administrator,

began his four-state tour of 18 claims offices Monday with a powerful

message: We are not from BP or the government, and we are here to help.

Monday was the first day that victims of the 2010 Gulf oil spill could file

claims under a class settlement negotiated in March, estimated to cost BP

around $7.8 billion.


GuLF STUDY looking for oil spill workers


Shana Rose Reporting

The researchers with the GuLF STUDY are still looking for anyone who worked
on the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago.


State News

Mountains of mulch
by Emily Le Coz
NEMS Daily Journal
06.05.12 - 08:00 am

TUPELO - Gnawing 40 tons of debris per hour, an industrial wood chipper
Monday spewed its meal into mountains of mulch that Tupelo will freely
distribute this summer to anyone who wants it.

…The program launched with a $50,000 grant from the Mississippi Department
of Environmental Quality, said MDEQ spokesman Robbie Wilbur. Since then,
funding has come from a $3.51 monthly fee automatically tacked onto
residential garbage collection bills, which is collected by Tupelo Water
amp& Light.


Deer Island reef enhanced by Mississippi Department of Marine Resources


By Susan Ruddiman, The Mississippi Press

BILOXI, Mississippi - The Mississippi Department of Marine

Resources' (MDMR) Artificial Reef Bureau and Shellfish Bureau have

completed an enhancement project on the near shore reef, Deer Island North,

which is just north of the eastern end of Deer Island.


Tiny Menhaden fill Long Beach Harbor


If you see thousands of shiny, little fish swimming around in the Long
Beach Harbor, don't be alarmed. They're just Menhaden.


ICC Joins 'Green' Initiative


Posted by Steve Rogers

Itawamba Community College has announced a partnership with The Institute
of Sustainability, a green certification agreement to further the College's
ongoing efforts to promote environmental awareness and preservation.


Pascagoula River Audubon Center needs volunteers to protect Least Tern

nesting areas

By Susan Ruddiman, The Mississippi Press

BILOXI, Mississippi -- As the temperatures continue to rise and tourists

are steadily flocking to the beaches on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, the

Pascagoula River Audubon Center is looking for people to help to protect

nesting Least Terns across the coast.


National News

Emissions Fell Under Cap and Trade Program, Report Says

NY Times

The cap and trade system known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

announced on Monday that carbon dioxide emissions from power plants in the

nine participating states on the East Coast fell by an average of 23

percent during the first three years of the program.


New Value for Land in Rural Ohio
NY Times

CALDWELL, Ohio — The energy boom has swept into the rural counties of the

upper Ohio River Valley, producing a torrent of investment in mineral

leasing that is jolting the economies of small towns and swelling the bank

accounts of some working-class families.


Industry groups: Administration overestimating emissions at 'fracking'
The Hill
By Joe Picard - 06/04/12 04:31 PM ET

The amount of methane released from hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is
half what the Obama administration estimates, according to a study released
Monday by the American Petroleum Institute and the America's Natural Gas


EPA defends aerial surveillance
By Joe Duggan

LINCOLN — Snapping photos of livestock farms from an airplane is a legal
and cost-effective way to help protect Nebraska and Iowa streams from
runoff contamination, say officials with the U.S. Environmental Protection


Your Garbage Questions, Answered

Freakanomics Blog

Last week, we solicited your questions for journalist Edward Humes, who

seems to love trash as much as we do. His new book is Garbology: Our Dirty

Love Affair with Trash.

Below are his answers to some of your questions.


Press Releases

Governor Bryant Declares June 4-8 as Hurricane Preparedness Week

Pearl –Governor Phil Bryant has declared this first week of June as
Hurricane Preparedness Week in Mississippi to get everyone thinking about
tropical weather hazards. The 2012 Hurricane season has already seen two
named storms this year.

"Personal preparedness is a critical factor in determining how well your
family will cope if a natural disaster strikes this hurricane season" Gov.
Bryant said. "Now is the time to talk about your family evacuation plan and
stock your emergency supply kit. Don't wait until a storm enters the Gulf."

Governor Bryant signed the proclamation to coincide with the Gulf States
Hurricane Conference that is being held in Biloxi from June 6-8. Emergency
managers, first responders and other agencies from Mississippi, Alabama,
Louisiana and Texas are meeting to discuss hurricane plans and

MEMA Director Robert Latham says local and state governments are ready for
hurricane season, but adds personal preparedness needs to be a major focus.
"Families need to have conversations at the dinner table about what they
will do and where they will go if they are forced to evacuate," said
Latham. "From children to senior citizens, we all need to have preparedness
plans in place."

Here are some items you and your family should have in an emergency supply
kit before tropical weather threatens:

· Flashlight and battery-powered radio with extra batteries.
· Canned and non-perishable food.
· Bottled water.
· Toiletry items.
· Pet food and pet supplies.
· Medicine and prescription medication.
· Copies of important family papers and documents.

For more information, go to www.msema.org. You can also follow MEMA on
Twitter using keyword MSEMA and on Facebook under Mississippi Emergency
