Wednesday, September 5, 2012


3 p.m. Sept. 5, 2012

Media Contact:
Mississippi State Department of Health
Office of Communications: 601-576-7667


After all natural disasters, including hurricanes, tornadoes and floods,
excess moisture and standing water can contribute to the growth of mold in
homes and other buildings. When returning to a home that has been flooded,
be aware that mold may be present and may be a health risk for your family.

The Mississippi State Department of Health does not offer mold inspection
or removal services, but educational information on recognizing mold,
protecting yourself and your family from its possible dangers, and
preventing its growth is included below.

People at Greatest Risk from Mold:
People with asthma, allergies, or other breathing conditions may be
more sensitive to mold.
People with immune suppression (such as people with HIV infection,
cancer patients taking chemotherapy, and people who have received an
organ transplant) are more susceptible to mold infections.

Possible Health Effects of Mold Exposure:
People who are sensitive to mold may experience stuffy nose,
irritated eyes, wheezing or skin irritation.
People allergic to mold may have difficulty in breathing and
shortness of breath. People with weakened immune systems and with
chronic lung diseases, such as obstructive lung disease, may develop
mold infections in their lungs.
If you or your family members have health problems after exposure to
mold, contact your doctor or other healthcare provider.

Recognizing Mold:
Are the walls and ceiling discolored, or do they show signs of mold
growth or water damage?
Do you smell a bad odor, such as a musty, earthy smell or a foul

Safely Preventing Mold Growth:
Clean up and dry out the building quickly (within 24 to 48 hours).
Open doors and windows.
Use fans to dry out the building.
Fix any water problems such as leaks in roofs, walls or plumbing.
Remove all porous items that have been wet for more than 48 hours and
that cannot be thoroughly
cleaned and dried. This includes carpeting and carpet padding,
upholstery, wallpaper, drywall, floor and ceiling tiles, insulation
material, clothing, leather, paper, wood and food.
To prevent mold growth, clean wet items and surfaces with detergent
and water.
Homeowners may want to temporarily store items outside of the home
until insurance claims can
be filed.

Precautions When Cleaning Mold:
To limit exposure to airborne mold, wear an N-95 dust mask (available
at most hardware stores).
Goggles without ventilation holes are recommended to keep mold out of
your eyes.
Wear gloves and long clothing to keep mold off your skin.
Use of chemicals to kill mold is not recommended as a routine
For more information on protective equipment and the use of
disinfectants, refer to the
EPA document "A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home".

Whom Do I Call If I Think I Have a Mold Problem?
The Mississippi State Department of Health does not offer mold inspection
or removal services.
Mold cleanup is the responsibility of the individual home or business
Private environmental firms provide mold inspection and removal
Look in your local phone book's yellow pages under "Mold and Mildew
Services" to find a firm
near you.

Where Do I Go for More Information?
Environmental Protection Agency

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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