Monday, June 17, 2013

News Clippings 6/17/13


Oil Spill

Some ask: Is the Gulf cleanup finished?
Tar balls from BP spill still show up on some beaches

GULF SHORES, ALA. — Finding tar balls linked to the BP oil spill isn't

difficult on some Gulf Coast beaches, but the British oil giant and the

government say it isn't common enough to keep sending out the crews that

patrolled the sand for three years in Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.

Gulf birds scour vanishing land spits for nests
By AMY WOLD — The Advocate

BATON ROUGE -- Photos of oil-covered brown pelicans being removed from a

small island in Jefferson Parish became some of the most iconic images of

the damage the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster brought to the coast of


Volunteers to Monitor Coastline for Oil and Tar from 2010 Spill


Three years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the U-S Coast Guard and

Florida Department of Environmental Protection are ending their active

monitoring of the state coastline.

Residents discuss how to spend spill fines

Houma Today
By Nikki Buskey
Published: Friday, June 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.

Residents and backgrounds shared their thoughts and concerns about how

fines from the Gulf oil spill should be spent on restoration during a

meeting in Dulac Thursday.

BP Shareholders Seek to Sue as Group Over 2010 Gulf Spill Losses

By Laurel Brubaker Calkins and Margaret Cronin Fisk - Jun 15, 2013

BP Plc (BP/)'s U.S. investors asked a federal court to grant class action,

or group, status for their lawsuit claiming the company misled them before

and after the 2010 spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

State News

Group Cleans Up Chunky River


Chunky, Miss. Fifteen volunteers with the East Mississippi Foothills Land

Trust set out in canoes this morning to clean-up a 7 mile stretch of the

Chunky River. The group was formed 10 years ago, and has been cleaning up

the Chunky each June for the past(Embedded image moved to file:

pic10466.jpg) seven. East Mississippi Foothills Land Trust Treasurer Andrew

Covington says in the past they've collected over 500 pounds of trash.

Man has vision for the MS Gulf Coast: Greenways, blueways, pathways


Through greenways, blueways and pathways the paddling trails network will
ensure fun family activity, but the Mississippi Coastal Heritage Trail
Partnership said it will also do a lot more.

Pearl River Utility Authority makes emergency repairs to system

By Alexandra Hedrick
The Picayune Item

PICAYUNE — Circle Drive has been partially closed and detour routes set up
so that the Pearl River Utility Authority can make emergency repairs to the
failing 12 inch sewer line.

National News

Obama leaves climate change-fighting tool on shelf for now

Sun, Jun 16 2013

By Patrick Rucker and Valerie Volcovici

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has vowed to tackle climate
change in his second term, but so far has not acted to strengthen a tool
that does not require backing from Congress - the National Environmental
Policy Act.

White House, EPA at odds over savings produced by emissions regulations
The Hill
By Julian Hattem - 06/15/13 08:42 AM ET

How much do new regulations cost? It depends on whom you ask.
That's the message from a disagreement that emerged this week over the
benefits of a draft rule to regulate some emissions of formaldehyde, a
chemical that can cause irritation and may lead to cancer.

EPA confirmation delay raises questions about U.S. carbon rules

Valerie Volcovici


6:33 PM CDT, June 14, 2013

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With a Senate vote on President Barack Obama's
nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency still in limbo,
speculation is rising about the fate of a proposed emissions rule for new
power plants that was scheduled to have been finished in April.,0,1107171.story

Fracking fuels water fights in nation's dry spots

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The latest domestic energy boom is sweeping through
some of the nation's driest pockets, drawing millions of gallons of water
to unlock oil and gas reserves from beneath the Earth's surface.

Energy and Commerce a refuge from ethanol ire
By: Darren Goode
June 17, 2013 05:05 AM EDT

Pro-ethanol Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee see no
reason to worry about their panel's probe of the Environmental Protection
Agency's biofuel mandate, which the GOP-friendly oil industry is fighting
hard to repeal.


The E.P.A. Backs Off on Factory Farms
NY Times

The Environmental Protection Agency is obliged under the Clean Water Act to

monitor America's waterways and shield them from the toxic runoff from

factory farms. But the growth of that industry, and its courtroom tenacity,

has far outstripped the E.P.A.'s efforts to restrict runoff from manure

lagoons and feedlots.