Friday, July 10, 2015

News Clippings 7.10.15

Entergy starts second phase of solar project
Clarion Ledger

Entergy Mississippi has started construction on the second phase of
its Bright Future project that will use solar panels to produce
electricity in three of its markets.

Oil Spill

City of Jackson to seek part of BP settlement money
Clarion Ledger

The state will get $1.5 billion from the BP oil spill settlement,
and Jackson officials hope some of it will go to the city to help
with the $400 million federal consent decree the city is under for
improvements to wastewater treatment plants.

With options dwindling, BP seized a chance to settle oil spill case

In early May, with its legal options dwindling and investors impatient, BP
Plc saw a chance to negotiate what became a $18.7 billion settlement that
ended five years of litigation over the worst offshore oil spill in U.S.

Minnesota's Loons Could See $22 Million from BP Oil Settlement


After an $18.7 billion settlement between BP and the United States
government, Minnesota could get millions of dollars for the state's
contaminated loons.


Utilities lobby top Obama officials on climate rule
The Hill

Lobbyists representing major electric utilities met with top Obama
administration officials this week, urging them to roll back provisions of
the upcoming climate rule for power plants.

Emails show party planning and more between EPA official, environmental

Fox News

They worked hard, they played hard.

Newly obtained emails reveal a seemingly close relationship, during and
after work hours, between an EPA office and influential environmental
groups -- showing a top agency official encouraged one such group to write
an anti-coal report and even invited members to a summer bash featuring an
"ice luge" for liquor shots.

States face shaky financial futures; pensions at risk
USA Today
(Miss. Ranked 33)
States are mounting an uneven fiscal recovery from the Great
Recession, with energy-rich states leading and Northeastern states
with big pension obligations lagging, a new study shows.


Strength in Numbers: Tackling Environmental Challenges By Collaborating
with the Neighbors Next Door
CAFO, Collaboration, Collaborative Problem Solving, Environmental Justice,
Flooding 0 Comments
by Johnny DuPree
Rural communities in Mississippi face a seemingly insurmountable number of
challenges to gaining access to a variety of resources.

Our view: Is BP settlement a good deal for Alabama? We think not Editorial Board
July 09, 2015 at 12:15 PM

While we are eager to put the oil spill behind us, the deal is only
worthwhile if it's fair for coastal Alabama.